This week, Mr. Gonzalo gave us an overview of the effects rendered by different software renderings. And using LayerContactSheet you can see the information of each layer of the rendering.

After that, the teacher introduced us to the effect of each layer through the shuffle node

After that, the teacher started to explain how to make CG and make the model more natural in the real scene.

The first step is to adjust the color of the model as well as the shadow so that the model can be more in harmony with the environment.

After that, the model will be blended with the environment to come up with a good CG

Finally, the teacher introduced the method of adding 3D lights in Nuke to change the video color.


Most of our models were completed in week 6. This week I mainly added some details to the models in our group. As well as checking all the models for problems.

This week was mainly about adding some roads to the city that the team leader made and adding a few camera shots. And expand the UVs of the rest of the models, which will make it easier to add materials to the models next week.


This week I’ve mainly been expanding all the UVs of the entire model and using SP to start creating materials.

As my reference image was in black and white, I searched the internet for a very large number of color references. In the end, I wanted to create a vintage machine in green.

I had a couple of problems when making the material, initially due to UV overlap. So the material didn’t manage to become even in some places. After that, I tried several colors as well. It was only in the end that I settled on my colors.


This week I have built a drive train for my model. It makes the whole machine move in a much more logical way.

A little more detail was then added to the machine to give the model a little more richness

Once the model was finished I started to apply UV and as the mapping, I wanted to do it in SP. So UV I want to use the UDMI method. So I’m going to distribute the UV inside different maps according to the material.

I use mainly automatic unfolding and camera view unfolding when unfolding UVs. I also merge the areas that need to be merged according to my model. I also try to select invisible areas to crop away when unfolding the UVs to ensure the visual appearance of the mapping.


This week’s teacher focused on Nuke’s projection function. Firstly, the teacher introduced projection in a simple way.

This week we focus on how to use projection nodes in Nuke to make quick replacements of objects in videos.

A quick way to replace items in a video is mainly to use the projection method. First, the camera frame is held at the place to be replaced and ROTO is performed, then the Roto part is projected on the 3D Card. A new camera is then created to playback the projected image. This way the scene that you want to replace or delete can be processed clearly.

Then we learned about the HueCorrects node, which helps us to precisely adjust the saturation of the hue and adjust the curve to make precise changes to the color.


This week we are still making models, and our group met to discuss the main tasks for this week.

My main responsibility this week was to create a scene of a long corridor in the Matrix.

Create meme "matrix , the matrix pictures are cool, the is doors the matrix"  - Pictures -

Since this corridor is very long. So I thought of a lot of ways to restore the huge effect with the smallest model. I tried to use mirror reflection, and camera distortion to create the effect. Finally, after many attempts, I was able to create a satisfactory effect.


The approximate shape of my machine model was built last week. This week I have mainly started to build the parts of the whole machine, such as gears, drive belts, etc.

This week I’ve also been looking online for some references to generators. This will make my machine look more informative as well as more logical

After this week my whole model is basically finished. In the next week, I will also start to apply the UV and the texturing of the machine.


This week was mainly devoted to further study of 3Dtracker. This week was spent learning about Cameratracker, Pointcloud, and ModelBuilder.

The first is the PointCloudGenerator node, which is a dense point cloud built primarily from your trace. This allows you to better see the position of your object in the 3D view. This will ensure that your model and scene will not be overlaid.

The next node to learn is ModelBuilder, which is used to position your 3D objects in a two-bit environment. This node allows you to position your 3D objects in the exact location.

The next node to learn is ModelBuilder, which is used to position your 3D objects in a two-bit environment. This node allows you to position your 3D objects in the exact location.

Afterward, I tried to remove the roadblocks from the screen using projection.

Making this I found that if the Card is not in the same position as the point cloud, the final replacement is very different, so I still spent some time on this.

Aiken Zhang‘s bolg