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This week I mainly shot the scenes that needed to be shot on green screen.

Due to shooting props as well as time issues. I changed my script to make the whole short film more of a story.

I booked a green screen room with Tony. I finished the rest of the shots from the green screen room.

Afterward, to make the CG look more natural, Tony and I took three more HDR shots with the 360° camera. Used as a lighting setup.

Next week I will start working on the CG and particle effects section.


This week I have mainly been working on video shoots. tony and I borrowed the camera as well as the stabilizer on Thursday. After that, we worked on the shoot. The shoot took place on the fourth floor of the LCC.

And I have tracked a few shots and the tracking is OK.

This week I also started working on the CG scenes. And going to borrow the green screen room next week. To finish the rest of the shots.

Personal Project Week 01

For my personal project this term I am looking for a challenge in particle effects and video compositing. This is also a way to prepare me for my future work. In the future I would also like to work on my own in these two areas.

This time I was mainly inspired by Harry Potter. I have always liked the Harry Potter films. So this time I’m going to use the Harry Potter theme to make a short film about a magical showdown.

My story focuses on the fact that one day Aiken went to school and a portal appeared in the wall of the school. Aiken was stunned at the sight and reached out to touch it. After touching the portal, a bright light flashed and Aiken was transported to the magical world. Afterwards, Aiken had a magical duel with a wizard.

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ection I also found a lot of references

There is something about the creation of effects that I am going to try this time using houdini. I have already found some tutorials online. And I’ve started to learn and hopefully I’ll be able to create the desired result.

This week I have made the general effect of the portal, next week should be able to complete the entire portal.

The following week I was going to go to school to borrow some of the equipment I needed to use. And start filming. And to make the CG scenes for the video.

is individual project is a new challenge for me. I will learn a lot more in this personal project.


I wanted to research this topic because I am a big fan of the game Pokémon. I have played all of the Pokémon games. I think about why I like this game IP, but a lot of it comes from my love for the Pokémon anime when I was a kid. When I grew up I realised that Pokémon was first an IP for a game.

For this question I wondered. Why do so many game IPs stay so popular and how do they make their IPs more well-known. In my opinion a lot of this is down to their film and television and anime incarnations. So for this essay I have a few main arguments.

  • Why game IPs should be filmed and animated.
  • What are the benefits of anime and film for game IPs?
  • Do all game IPs need to be turned into films and movies, and which game IPs can be transformed in this way.

These are the main questions I want to explore

After that I will look for some theories to support my thesis


This week we followed the opportunity to successfully complete our group project. This week our group mainly worked on video editing and post-processing. I learned a lot from this group work, first of all, that team projects need to be a joint effort. Our team leader is a very strong leader. This also kept our process in order. Our group members were also very united and communicated actively. There were some minor twists and turns in the middle, but we got over it. Our group is still very satisfied with the work this time. This is the result of our joint efforts. I am also very grateful to my friends for their serious efforts while working. Only by working together and being strict with the project, we can produce excellent work.



This week the teacher talked about how to further process the green screen material, for example, we can use SpillReplace to do smoother processing of the colors.

We can also use constant to select specific colors in the video, which facilitates better editing.

Then it also introduces the simple method of deducting the blue screen

First of all, I first used keylight for deduction, but the processing of hair is not satisfied, after using SpillReplace for color processing, the effect is much better. After that, I used blur to process the edges, and then the alpha layer of the character was processed. Copy the alpha layer to the image and combine the background with the character. Finally, the whole job is finished with color mixing. After that, the background was resized so that the video had no black edges.


The last week, my machine was rendered and I was going to combine the scene with the machine through NUKE.

Since the two images that merge together will overlap, the first thing I have to do is make a projection to ROTO the part that is obscured in front of me. let the machine be behind the scene.

The ROTO must be done very carefully. Because it will affect your visual effect.

Once the ROTO is complete you can create a card to project the ROTO part onto this plane. This way the other camera can see the projected part when it is played. After that, the ROTO part Invert to the position of the Lieutenant-General to make an alpha layer. And combine this layer with the scene.

Finally, the machine will be toned and Merge to the scene with the production, in Merge a background to the machine. The entire video machine part has been completed

Afterward, to make the scene look more realistic, I removed the coordinate points on the teacher’s environment by projection.

Finally, I output the video, and my machine is finished.


This week I have mainly been working on renders. To make the rendered scenes crisper. I increased the rendering values. The whole rendering process lasted for two days.

Once the rendering is complete I will also import the images into NUKE next week for the final assembly.

Due to the layered rendering. I rendered the image with a certain color difference from the original image. This problem I am going to adjust through Nuke