In this week’s edition, Mr.Glanzo taught me to use the roto paint node to clean up any excess objects in the scene. The difference between this Roto node and the others is that this node is paintable and I can easily clean up unwanted objects in the scene with a brush, just like an eraser, to quickly erase them.

This image was cleaned up by this method.
This method starts by using the clone tool in the Rotopaint node to find a matching color and then apply the paste to the object you need to clean up. This is like the imitation stamp tool in PS. As you are only modifying one frame of the picture, you need to use the Frame Hold node to keep the whole video cleaned up.

The teacher then taught a second method, this one using MatchMove to do a quick clean-up of the things that need to be cleaned up. This method first wants to keep track of the clean-up target. Afterward, MatcMove is used to clean it up. This method is a bit quicker.

The last method is to track the object area first and then stabilize the scene before shuffle, roto draw. Then we crop the area we want to clean up and move it through the tracker to match.