This week we are still making models, and our group met to discuss the main tasks for this week.

My main responsibility this week was to create a scene of a long corridor in the Matrix.

Create meme "matrix , the matrix pictures are cool, the is doors the matrix"  - Pictures -

Since this corridor is very long. So I thought of a lot of ways to restore the huge effect with the smallest model. I tried to use mirror reflection, and camera distortion to create the effect. Finally, after many attempts, I was able to create a satisfactory effect.


The approximate shape of my machine model was built last week. This week I have mainly started to build the parts of the whole machine, such as gears, drive belts, etc.

This week I’ve also been looking online for some references to generators. This will make my machine look more informative as well as more logical

After this week my whole model is basically finished. In the next week, I will also start to apply the UV and the texturing of the machine.


This week was mainly devoted to further study of 3Dtracker. This week was spent learning about Cameratracker, Pointcloud, and ModelBuilder.

The first is the PointCloudGenerator node, which is a dense point cloud built primarily from your trace. This allows you to better see the position of your object in the 3D view. This will ensure that your model and scene will not be overlaid.

The next node to learn is ModelBuilder, which is used to position your 3D objects in a two-bit environment. This node allows you to position your 3D objects in the exact location.

The next node to learn is ModelBuilder, which is used to position your 3D objects in a two-bit environment. This node allows you to position your 3D objects in the exact location.

Afterward, I tried to remove the roadblocks from the screen using projection.

Making this I found that if the Card is not in the same position as the point cloud, the final replacement is very different, so I still spent some time on this.


This week I was assigned to create a room full of mirrors in the matrix.

The most difficult part of this scene for me was how to show the reflective material of the mirror.

I found the tutorial online and after many experiments, I finally got the result I wanted.

After that, I added lighting to recreate the whole room. I used mashlight to create 6 fluorescent lights. And I also created light sources behind the doors. This gives the whole environment a more realistic look.

After that, I started discussing the texture of the light with the group leader. In the end, it took many attempts to finally settle on the effect I wanted.