This week’s Maya focuses on teaching us how to build a skeleton and how to create character animations and movements.

In Monday’s lesson we started by building a simple robot model using square polygons. Then we used the rigging system to create six bones to build the bones of the figure’s legs. When the bones on one side are built, use special copy to copy one side of the bones to the other leg. And add a joint to the figure’s hip bone as well. Make a parent set relationship between the bones of both legs and the joint on the hip bone. That’s how the leg bones are created.

Once the bones are created, the next step is to create the IK. First, create an IK in rigging to connect the joint of the thigh to the joint of the heel. Then create an IK to connect the heel to the IK of the foot. Finally, create an Ik to connect the joint of the ball of the foot to the joint of the toe. This way the IK of the leg is created. Similarly, the other leg will also be Ik production. ik production is complete after the foot ik all set to sticky so that when you move the character when his feet will be bound to the ground.

After the skeleton of the entire leg has been built up. To facilitate movement we bind the key joints to the curves in a parent set relationship. This makes it easier to manipulate when adjusting the animation.
Afterwards learn the laws of motion of a small ball. Start by making a small ball with no bounce to roll down a staircase. First use two curves Loft to create a staircase. After that a spherical polygon is created. Then the state of the ball is keyframed in the first frame.

Afterwards move the cursor to frame 100 to move the ball from the top to the bottom of the stairs. Afterwards the xy axis is adjusted to the right position according to the position of the ball on each flight of stairs. This completes the whole movement of the ball down the stairs. At this point open the animation curve tool and adjust each curve. Adjust for a natural way of descending the stairs. The ball rolling down the stairs is now animated.

After that a bouncy little ball is created. The steps are the same overall just in the adjusting the curves section. In order to make the little ball bounce. The slope of the curve needs to be adjusted to be more inclined.