This week we have been learning about using curves to quickly create a model. On Monday we made three models: a wine bottle with curves, a curtain with curves and a plate with curves. We also made a bread knife, a cheese and a fireplace.

First, we start by creating a cutout of a wine bottle using the curve. Then use the Rotate tool to rotate the curve and duplicate it 360 degrees to create the bottle shape. Adjust the curve to the shape of the bottle. Make the bottle look perfect. Because my curves are not perfect. So I made the shape of the bottle more complete by adjusting the points.

Afterwards, add a glass material to the bottle. Give the bottle a green base color. Then adjust the transparency of the bottle according to the render. After several attempts, I found that a less transparent bottle works better in brighter environments.
After that, we use curves to create the curtains. First make a curve with the Curve tool. After adjusting the shape of the curve with the Curve Point, use the Release tool to turn the two curves into a single plane. This creates the general shape of the curtain. Then adjust the shape of the curtain with the curve points.

模型已创建,调整窗帘的 UV,然后添加您为窗帘找到的图片材料。给定材料后,调整窗帘的透明度,使其能透过阳光看到。窗帘现在完成了。

bread knife
Next, I created a bread knife.
First I found the image I wanted to refer to. After that the blades were created using polygonal cubes. The shape of the blade was extruded by adding a looped edge to the polygon to create the serrated edge.

Afterwards, one blade is copied into several by using the mirror function. Finally a complete bread knife is formed.

Afterwards I made a knife handle using a cube polygon. Using extrusion I created the shape I wanted.

After the handle and knife had been made, I added a chrome material to the blade. The hilt was UV and given a wood material. Finally my bread knife was finished.